Information for People with Service and Support Animals

Service and support animals are welcome in all SFPL facilities. Please help maintain a pleasant and safe environment for all library users by observing the following guidelines for your service or emotional support animal. These guidelines conform to California Penal Code 365.7(a), San Francisco Health Code Article 1: Sections 41.12(a) and 41.18(a), California Health & Safety Code Section 121690, federal regulations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and state regulations under the Unruh Civil Rights Act.

  • Animals, other than service or support animals assisting persons with disabilities, are not permitted inside Library facilities or within 10 feet of any door.
  • Dogs entering the Library must be up-to-date on rabies vaccinations and you must be able to show proof of current rabies vaccination for your service or support dog.
  • The Library adheres to ADA requirements for service animals:
    • Service Animals Must be Under Control
      A service animal must be under control of its handler. Under the ADA, service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless the individual's disability prevents using these devices or these devices interfere with the service animal's safe, effective performance of tasks. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
  • If your service or support animal's behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, causes substantial physical damage to Library property, or engages in behavior that is unreasonably disruptive, it may not stay in the Library.
  • Fraudulently misrepresenting guide, signal, service or support dogs is a misdemeanor under California law.

Patron Code of Conduct

Animals, other than disability service animals and support animals, are not permitted inside library facilities.

See, e.g., Cal. Civ. Code §§ 54.1-54.2; CPC § 365.5(b); Americans with Disabilities Act; and regulations promulgated under federal and state law.

Leave building; may return without pet.

Guidelines For Library Use

32. Animals, other than disability service animals and support animals, are not permitted inside library facilities.